Bureau of Lost Culture – So You Say You Want a (Sexual) Revolution? (22/07/2023)
The pill, Profumo, pornography, love liberation and libido, Larkin, lady Chatterely, Lolita,
No era in recent history has been both more celebrated and vilified than the 1960s.
For some it was a time when music, fashion and drugs enabled young people to express their individuality and freedom and their hopes and dreams of a better world.
For others, it marked the advent of the permissive society, the undermining of authority, family values and common decency.
At the heart of this continuing controversy is sex.
PETER DOGGET, journalist cultural critic and writer whose book ‘Growing Up : Sex in the 60s’ takes an unflinching look at the dark underbelly of the sexual revolution came into the Bureau to tell that while the vision of orgiastic hedonism, ever-changing partners and polymorphous perversity” was enjoyed by a tiny minority of those at the heart of the counterculture, the vast majority of the British population could only gawp from the sidelines.