
Living Libraries

Author: Soho Radio

Libraries Week takeover of Soho Radio: a celebration of public libraries in the words of people who use, work in and run them. Sarah Pyke and Shelley Trower present the Living Libraries oral history project, 2019-2020 at the University of Roehampton, supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The oral history collection is copyright of The British Library Board and is used with permission.

  1. Monday 5th 9am BST – An hour of library talk, introducing the project, and spanning from memories of the hushed bookish libraries of the past to the multifarious and often noisy activities of nowadays, from book groups to singing, lego clubs to activism, from how libraries have stepped up to support communities through the pandemic to our dreams for the future of libraries as a space of imagination and possibility. Features oral history interviews and soundscape pieces from the project, plus follow-up chats with Sue Williamson (Arts Council England’s Director for Libraries) and Luke Burton (Manager for Newcastle Libraries and Hubs).
  2. Wednesday 7th 9am BST – Featuring the Living Libraries audio documentary, along with leisurely extracts from the project’s oral history interviews. 
  3. Friday 9th 9am BST – Delving into a local library in South London, Upper Norwood Library, exploring its soundscapes and talking about library ventures including the Library of Things. Features bonus interviews with Galina Rin (Events & Tech Coordinator) and Joe Duggan (Library of Things Community Activator).

Listen to all the shows via the Culture channel on Soho Radio. 

 For more info on Living Libraries head HERE >