House Of St Barnabas

At Home with House of St Barnabas – here at Soho Radio, we’ve joined forces with HoSB to bring you the sounds of their resident DJs & make your Saturday night in, more like a Saturday night out.
8 – 10pm GMT on the Music channel – Saturday evening’s.
The first show on the 4th April features Sam & Toby with Phonica Records.
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“The House of St Barnabas is a unique, socially responsible members’ club where every penny of profit is used to fund a charity, our Employment Academy. Our vibrant club, in a beautiful Grade 1-listed House on Greek Street, brings together a community of members who are invested in creating a fair and equal society.
Our Employment Academy supports those affected by homelessness back into lasting, paid work. Employment Academy participants learn their craft in our social enterprise, gaining real world work experience, training, qualifications and support.
The House of St Barnabas has been a part of Soho since 1846, first as a refuge for “waifs and strays of the turbid sea of human society.” Since 2013, we have operated as a social enterprise with all profits generated by the members’ club donated to the charity. Our club also offers Employment Academy participants real life, on-site work experience at reception, behind the bar, on the floor, in the kitchen and our own offices.
We believe that good work is the most effective route out of homelessness and poverty. This change does not happen overnight, and we are committed to supporting, enabling and celebrating with our Employment Academy graduates over the longer term, to ensure a genuine and lasting impact on breaking cycles of homelessness. This is true as much in a crisis as in normal times. Our main priority during the Coronavirus crisis remains supporting graduates from our Employment Academy, many of whom had made great progress in their lives and are now finding themselves at risk of being out of work. Right now, we’re working with more than 80 people directly. People who have had their employment contracts cancelled, are being threatened with eviction or aren’t able to access essential services because of Coronavirus. We’re supporting each person to help them get certainty and stability around income and housing, and providing advice on mental wellbeing, isolation, shielding and staying well.“